Monday, October 24, 2016

Chicken Parmesan

This is what I would call a succulent chicken chop smothered in tomato sauce topped with melted oooey gooey Parmesan cheese. So simple it would leave you in disbelief on how easy the recipe is from the ingredients to the cooking its self . Now me personally I like to serve it with spaghetti but any pasta goes fine with this chicken, and if you really want the icing on the cake I also make some cheesy bread.  Let me not waste any more time as my mouth is already watering just thinking of this savory chicken!Remember you can get the video recipe here ------>EATffortlessCooking  

Ingredients Needed to make Chicken Parmesan 
1 cup of flour
1 cup of breadcrumbs (Italian bread crumbs work best)
Favorite jar of tomato sauce
2 eggs
4 tbls of Italian seasoning
2 tbls of Pepper 
2 tbls of salt 
2 chicken breast 
Vegetable Oil for frying chicken

1.Cut chicken breast into 1/3 of an inch thick cutlets. Grab a ziplock and pound chicken out as thin as you like its all about preference so choice is up to you I personally like mine pretty thin. 
2.Next comes the coating phase now for this you want two separate bowls , in 1 bowl add the bread crumbs and the Italian seasoning , in the other bowl add your salt and your flour make sure to mix each bowl very well. Now with the two eggs you want to whisk them very good and add the pepper .
3.We will now coat our chicken but in a certain process first coat chicken with flour making sure the chicken is fully coated , next dip your chicken onto the eggs dredge out any excess egg , then last but not least dip in the bread crumbs mix.  Now we will repeat this process for all the chicken pieces .
4.Once you have all your chicken coated grab a cast iron skillet add the vegetable oil and heat it up on Medium high heat or approximately 350 degrees ,
5.Once oil is ready gently drop in your chicken , depending on the thickness each side should take 5-7 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. Make sure once done you put them on a napkin for excess oil.
6.Now at this point pre heat oven to 375 degress and in the meantime spoon on some of your favorite tomato sauce on each of your chicken breast and spread like a pizza crust, after add some Parmesan cheese and toss that baby in the oven just long enough to melt the cheese ,after you take chicken out the oven serve with some of your favorite pasta I love spaghetti but any pasta will work and for the looks add a little Parsley or Cilantro and ENJOY!! 


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